GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS We hereby inform you that our company organises events according to the General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter: GTC) detailed below. Please read the following document carefully.


Kúria Village - Etyek Kereskedelmi Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (registered office: H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, company registration number: 07 09 027912, tax number: 25944172-2-07) (hereinafter: Contractor) sets out in this document the general terms and conditions (hereinafter: GTC) for events organised by it or with its involvement at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, operating as Etyeki Kúria – Main Building and Wine Tasting Hall, as well as Etyeki Kúria – Swabian Cellar Room, Guesthouse, and at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Ászkolás utca 20, operating as Etyeki Kúria Pavilion, which include the rights and obligations associated with the event.


Event venues:
Main Building: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, known as Etyeki Kúria – Wine Bar and Wine Tasting Hall, including the associated terrace and p1 parking lot.
Wine Tasting Hall: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, known as Etyeki Kúria – Wine Tasting Hall, including the p1 parking lot.
Pavilion: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Ászkolás utca 20, known as Etyeki Kúria Pavilion, including the associated terrace, service building, and the p2 parking lot.
Guesthouse: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 24, known as Etyeki Kúria – Swabian Cellar Room, Guesthouse, including the associated garden and parking lots.

Long-term events: Events for which the Event Management Contract is concluded by the Parties at least 91 days before the event is held.
Medium-term events: Events for which the Event Management Contract is concluded by the Parties at least 90 days, but no later than 31 days before the event is held.
Short-term events: Events for which the Event Management Contract is concluded by the Parties at least 30 days and no later than 5 working days before the event is held.
Last Minute events: Events for which the Event Management Contract is concluded by the Parties at least 4 and no later than 1 working day before the event is held.


Beyond the Client and the Contractor, the personal scope of the GTC extends to the Client's guests, event participants, contributors, subcontractors (hereinafter: Client's personnel), with particular attention to rules of conduct and behaviour.

The Client shall inform the Client's personnel of the provisions of the present GTC and the House Rules applicable to them. The Client is responsible for the conduct of the Client's personnel and the subcontractors used by the Client as if it were its own. The Contractor is responsible for the conduct of its own staff and subcontractors as if it were its own.

The present GTC is valid for an indefinite term.

The contractual terms are jointly contained in the GTC and the Event Management Contract concluded for the various events.
The EM Contract includes at least the following terms and conditions:

The name of the event
The location/venue of the event
The date of the event
The number of participants
Arrival of guests
Departure of guests
Specification and price of the event package
Availability and preparation time
Extension fees
Food allergy, special dietary restrictions
Additional services, specifications
Payment terms
Additional costs and fees
Deadlines for selecting and specifying options if the services include such options
Other provisions, discounts, agreements


The Contractor warrants that it holds the relevant permits and certifications required by applicable laws for the services specified in the EM Contract and complies with the provisions of applicable laws throughout the performance of the contract.

3.1. Venue rental:

By signing the EM Contract, the Client acknowledges that it has previously inspected the Event Venue and found it suitable for the event's purpose.
The Contractor makes the Event Venue available to the Client at the time specified in the EM Contract and under the conditions set forth therein (rental).
The Contractor has at its disposal, based on the contract with Etyeki Kúria Kft., the event venues specified in Section … of the GTC:

Main Building: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, known as Etyeki Kúria – Wine Bar and Wine Tasting Hall, including the associated terrace and p1 parking lot. 

  • Wine Tasting Hall: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, known as Etyeki Kúria – Wine Tasting Hall, including the p1 parking lot.
  • Pavilion: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Ászkolás utca 20, known as Etyeki Kúria Pavilion, which can accommodate up to 180 people depending on the arrangement and type of event. This event venue is a pavilion located on a sloping area surrounded by vineyards, is open-sided, not enclosed by built walls, and set up temporarily and operating seasonally, which given its construction is less resistant to weather conditions. Event participants shall choose their attire, footwear, and other belongings brought to the venue with a view to the venue's nature and weather forecasts.
  • Guesthouse: The hospitality unit operating at the property located at H-2091 Etyek, Báthori utca 21, known as Etyeki Kúria – Swabian Cellar Room, which can accommodate up to 26 people depending on the arrangement and type of event.

    The Contractor warrants that the Event Venue is suitable for contractual use for the entire duration of the event and ensures that no third party has rights to the Event Venue that would restrict the Client's lawful use.

3.2. Event organisation and hospitality:

Beyond the above, the Contractor continuously provides the necessary organisation and coordination processes for the successful execution of the event in accordance with the contract, supervises the event, undertakes the catering, sound system, and setup services specified in the EM Contract, and performs post-event cleaning, for which it may engage subcontractors


4.1. Entry and participation:
The Client shall inform the Contractor in writing in advance about all contributors and subcontractors involved in the event. The Contractor may deny entry to any contributor or subcontractor not previously notified by the Client.

The Client is responsible for ensuring that only guests invited and subcontractors hired by the Client for the event can enter the venue. The Client shall arrange for personnel at the Event Venue to check the entry rights of individuals entering the venue and prevent unauthorised entry. The Client is liable for any damages related to unauthorised entry.

The Contractor's digital camera and security system serve to prevent unauthorised or illegal entry, ensure the smooth running and security of the event, protect the Event Venue, guests, the Contractor's staff, and the Contractor's property, prevent damage, and document breaches of contract (especially for legal protection and claim enforcement).

4.2. Rules related to the Event Venue:
The house rules of the Event Venue are detailed in Chapter 8 of the GTC. The Client shall use the Event Venue, its furnishings, and equipment as intended, without infringing on the rights and lawful interests of others.

The Client and the Contractor jointly inspect the condition of the Event Venue at the end of the event. If damage is proven to have been caused by the Client, its contributors or its guests, the Parties document it (recording the fact and circumstances of and the person responsible for the damage). If the Client refuses to sign the report, the Contractor records this fact in the presence of a witness and sends a copy to the Client within 24 hours. The Contractor issues an invoice for the damages caused by the Client, based on the report drawn up, which the Client shall settle within 8 days.

The Client is not entitled to lease, sublet, or allow any temporary use of the Event Venue to third parties without the prior written consent of the Contractor. The Client is only permitted to:
a) decorate the Event Venue,
b) make any changes to the Event Venue (e.g., placing temporary structures, rearrangements, modifications, including drilling holes),
c) bring any personal property to the Event Venue with the prior written consent of the Contractor.

Only items typically brought to a restaurant visit may be brought to the Event Venue. The Contractor explicitly calls the Client’s attention to the fact that it cannot provide storage for participants' belongings at the Event Venue, as there is no separate cloakroom or safe.

The Contractor assumes no liability for items brought to the Event Venue and premises (e.g., damage, loss, theft, destruction).
The Client is entitled to use the furniture on the estate based on an agreement with the Contractor.
There is an operational winery located in the vicinity of the event venues, whose production area is not an event venue, and entry to the production area and interference with winery activities are prohibited.
The Client shall comply with and enforce fire and safety regulations in the building.
The Contractor excludes liability for damages related to the Event Venue.

The Client shall designate an organiser to maintain direct contact with the Contractor.

The Contractor performs or arranges for post-event cleaning; however, the Client must ensure or bear the costs of the collection and removal of the waste generated by the decorative elements and other event accessories provided by the Client or the service providers contracted by the Client, as well as the dismantling of the decorative elements and the repair of any condition-related damage caused.

4.3. Rules regarding food and beverages

The Client informs the Contractor in advance, in writing, about any food allergies or special dietary requirements, and the Contractor provides written information about the feasibility of fulfilling these needs. The Client acknowledges that only food and beverages provided by the Contractor are permitted to be served and consumed at the Event Venue.

4.4. Duration of the event

The prices specified in the EM Contract apply to the programme and its duration as specified therein.
Standby time: time required for the Client’s contracted service providers to prepare (arranging, decorating the venue) and dismantle (clean up) before and after the event. If standby time is included, the duration thereof is specified in the Event Management Contract (hereinafter: EM Contract).
Availability time: the duration of the ordered programme/service during which hospitality activities and programmes are conducted.  The EM Contract precisely specifies this duration.

The Client shall provide the Contractor with a detailed schedule and list of suppliers and guests for the event in writing at least 5 working days before the event.

The Client shall promptly notify the Contractor if it cannot arrive at the programme venue at the planned time on the day of the event.

Concurrently, the Client shall coordinate with the Contractor to select the appropriate option from the following due to the delay:

  • reduction of the programme duration (if the programme allows for this professionally and from a guest experience perspective – this is at the Contractor’s discretion),
  • reorganisation of the programme structure and schedule (which is at the Contractor’s discretion),
  • extension of the programme duration, with the additional costs borne by the Client.

The event venues close at the following times as per the Contractor's operating license: Main Building at 01:00, the Pavilion at 02:00, and the Guesthouse at 22:00.

  • An extension is possible for up to 2 hours at each venue: the Main Building until 03:00, the Pavilion until 04:00, and the Guesthouse until midnight.

No guests may remain at the Event Venue at closing time. The Client is responsible for ensuring compliance with this.


The EM Contract includes the expected gross contractual fee for the event package.

The catering fee / event meal package is valid for the catering event meal package specified in the EM Contract. Any further modifications requested by the Client are priced individually.

The contractual fee includes the services detailed in the EM Contract. If the services include options, the deadline for selecting and finalising these options is specified in the EM Contract.

If there is additional consumption during the event (not ordered in advance), the Client shall pay for this at the prices listed on the current menu and drink list applicable at the time of the event. The Client or its representative confirms the additional consumption recorded by the Contractor with their signature (on the certificate of completion or receipt).

The Client acknowledges that the Contractor may set minimum and possible maximum participant numbers for the various events. The Client shall cover the costs of the minimum number of participants even if the actual number of participants does not reach such minimum. The Client commits to finalising the number of participants specified in the EM Contract no later than 72 hours before the start of the event. The Client shall cover the additional costs for any extra participants. The Contractor adjusts the final invoice to reflect any changes in the number of participants.

The total of the final invoice varies based on the number of participants, additional consumption, and any extra or other services requested in writing after the signing of the EM Contract.

If the final number of participants reported by the Client deviates by more than 10% from the number specified in the EM Contract, the per-person service fee may change. The Contractor informs the Client of such change in writing no later than when the final participant number is submitted.

The fee for any extension of the duration beyond the time specified in the EM Contract is calculated at an hourly rate, charged for every hour started while participants are present at the Event Venue.  The extension fees are listed in the EM Contract.


The Client shall pay the contractor fee (deposit, advance, final invoice) in full when due, based on the pro forma invoice. The Client declares that it has the full contractor fee for the event available. The Client shall pay the contractor fee (deposit, advance(s), final invoice) by bank transfer to the Contractor's HUF bank account under number 10918001-00000093-43000003.

6.1. Deposit
The Client shall pay a deposit to the Contractor within 3 days of signing the EM Contract based on the pro forma invoice.
The amount of the deposit is specified in the EM Contract.
The deposit is payable in gross amount. The tax rules for the advance payment apply to offsetting against the final amount.

If the contract is fulfilled, the debt is reduced by the amount of the deposit. If the contract is not fulfilled due to reasons not attributable to either party or if both parties are responsible, the deposit is refunded. If the Client is responsible for the frustration of performance, it forfeits the deposit. If the Contractor is responsible for the frustration of performance, it shall refund twice the amount of the deposit. In case of a delay in payment of the deposit or advance payment, the Contractor is entitled to terminate the EM Contract with immediate effect and claim a forfeiture penalty equal to the amount of the deposit/advance payment specified in the Event Management Contract.

6.2. Advance payment
Advance payments must be made according to the following schedule for all three event venues:
For long-term events:
89 days before the event, 35% of the contractual fee based on the pro forma invoice
30 days before the event, an additional 40% of the contractual fee based on the pro forma invoice,
For medium-term events:
59 days before the event, 35% of the contractual fee based on the pro forma invoice
30 days before the event, an additional 40% of the contractual fee based on the pro forma invoice,
For short-term contracts, the Client shall pay 75% of the contractual fee 5 working days before the event date.

6.3. Final invoice

  1. The Client shall pay the remaining amount based on the final invoice within 8 days following the event by bank transfer to the Contractor's account.
  2. If the EM Contract specifies that the final invoice is payable in cash or by bank card on-site after the event, the Contractor sends the final invoice to the Client by email within 48 hours.


If the Parties have signed the EM Contract and the Client rescinds such Contract before the event date, the Client has the following payment obligations depending on the period of cancellation:

  • Stage I: if the deposit has already been paid, the Contractor may retain the deposit amount. If the deposit has not yet been paid, the Contractor may demand a forfeiture penalty equivalent to the deposit amount.
  • Stage II: the Client shall pay a forfeiture penalty equal to the deposit amount plus 25% of the preliminarily calculated total contractual fee for the event. The Contractor is entitled to retain the deposit paid.
  • Stage III: the Client shall pay a forfeiture penalty equal to 50% of the preliminarily calculated total contractual fee for the event. The Contractor is entitled to retain the deposit paid and must offset the advance payment made by the Client against the forfeiture penalty claim.
  • Stage IV: the Client shall pay a forfeiture penalty equal to 70% of the preliminarily calculated total contractual fee for the event, including the deposit amount. The Contractor is entitled to retain the deposit paid and must offset the advance payment made by the Client against the forfeiture penalty claim.

In the above cases, the Contractor is entitled to retain the deposit paid and offset the advance payment made by the Client against the forfeiture penalty claim. If the deposit and advance payment do not cover the penalty amount, the Contractor may claim the remaining penalty amount from the Client.

The Contractor defines the periods for the various stages as follows:

  • For EM Contracts for events for the long-term, scheduled at least 91 days in advance:
    • Stage I: the period up to 90 days before the event
    • Stage II: the period between 89 and 60 days before the event
    • Stage III: the period between 59 and 30 days before the event
    • Stage IV: the period between 0 and 29 days before the event
  • For EM Contracts for events for the medium-term, scheduled within 90 days at the most:
    • Stage I: the period up to 60 days before the event
    • Stage II: the period between 59 and 31 days before the event
    • Stage III: the period between 30 and 15 days before the event
    • Stage IV: the period between 14 and 0 days before the event
  • For EM Contracts for events for the short-term, scheduled within 30 days at the most:
    • Stage I: the period up to 30 days before the event
    • Stage II: the period between 29 and 15 days before the event
    • Stage III: the period between 14 and 5 days before the event
    • Stage IV: the period between 4 and 0 days before the event

If the Contractor rescinds the EM Contract in Stages II, III or IV, the full amount of the advance payment made by the Client, along with twice the deposit amount, shall be refunded by the Contractor to the Client within 8 (eight) days from the date of rescission.


8.1. General provisions

The Contractor's staff are authorised to check compliance with the House Rules and, in case of violations
a) can call on participants to comply with the House Rules,
b) can refuse to provide further service to the participant, and/or
c) can escort the violator out and ban them from the event premises (with police assistance if necessary).

2. The Contractor operates multiple event venues, which (may) function independently and concurrently. Clients shall adhere to area separation and noise regulations (e.g., parking lot use, scope of the use of free areas). Concurrent events may not disturb each other. The Contractor is responsible for coordinating event types, while the Client is required to comply with the House Rules.

8.2. Activities prohibited on event premises and its surroundings

  1. Consumption or abuse of drugs, prohibited doping substances, or narcotics,
  2. Any activity or behaviour that violates laws or basic rules of civilised cohabitation, public morals, human dignity, or personal rights,
  3. Activities that disturb others with loud noise, odours, smoke, or other environmental harm,
  4. Possession or use of sharp or cutting tools, weapons, pyrotechnic devices, or other items capable of causing panic, as well as bringing in any items that may endanger the physical integrity of others,
  5. Commercial activities, advertising, propaganda (e.g., placing advertising boards, signs, posters, and flyers) without the Contractor's permission,
  6. Organising or conducting gambling activities.
  7. The following are prohibited throughout the event premises:
  • Throwing confetti.
  • Using fireworks or torches.
  • Hosting karaoke or other noise-polluting parties.

8.3. Conduct on event premises
If any present person violates the above rules, the Client shall remove them from the event premises. If the Client fails to do so immediately, the Contractor's employees are authorised to remove the violator themselves, or with the help of security and/or police.

8.4. Noise level and temperature

Before conducting events involving music-dancing, a preliminary sound check is required with the participation of the Contractor's staff. The Contractor reserves the right to reduce the volume if it considers the noise level to be a potential cause for complaints, even within the maximum allowed volume.
In the Main Building's event hall, after 22:00, windows and doors must remain closed, and music is allowed only indoors. If the Client fails to comply with this obligation, the Contractor may end the event.
In the Pavilion and Guest House, after 22:00, music service for the event is allowed at a volume that provides a guest experience directed to the dance floor.

8.5. Decoration, exhibited items, cleaning

  1. The Client may only display or place any decorative element or item with the prior written consent of the Contractor.
  2. According to current fire safety regulations, decorative elements and exhibited items must be movable and meet the following requirements:
    a. They cannot be affixed to the building structure in a way that causes irreversible changes to the property and/or movable assets.
    b. The time of the delivery, removal, and decoration is mutually agreed upon by the Parties in advance.
    c. The Client is responsible for the immediate removal of waste generated by the decoration setup and dismantling.
    d. The Contractor assumes no liability for the Client's exhibited items and decorative elements.
    e. Post-cleaning service does not include the cost of the collection and disposal of an unusual amount of waste (e.g., cardboard boxes, promotional materials, document holders), nor the packing away of used equipment, such as banners, flags, and technical equipment, which are the Client's responsibilities. The Client shall coordinate such removal with Etyeki Kúria no later than by the 5th working day before the event.

 8.6. Provisions regarding food and drinks

  1. Only food and beverages purchased on site may be consumed on the premises.
  2. Other products (food, drink) may be brought on the premises with the Contractor's prior written consent, provided the items comply with the applicable legal requirements, e.g. must have an HACCP certificate, as well as a delivery note and/or invoice, and may not harm the winery-related and/or tourism and hospitality interests of the Contractor. Home-made food/drinks are prohibited.
  3. According to current food safety regulations, food offered on buffet tables or trays without refrigeration cannot be packaged and taken away.

8.7. Parking

  1. The current traffic rules (KRESZ) apply in the Contractor's parking lots.
  2. The parking lots have limited capacity, which the Client must discuss with the Contractor's staff before the event.
  3. The Contractor's parking lots are private, unguarded and, as such, the Contractor is not responsible for damage or theft.

8.8. Lost and found

  1. Items found at the Event Venue are kept by the Contractor for one (1) week.
  2. If the owner does not claim the item within this time, the Contractor donates it to charity.

 8.9. Children and minors

  1. Individuals under 18 years of age may only attend the event venues under parental supervision.
  2. The safety of children is the sole responsibility of the person authorised to supervise the child (parent, guardian).

 8.10. Personal and property protection

  1. All participants must do everything possible and reasonable to protect their own and others' physical safety, as well as to protect the Contractor's event venues, equipment, and others' property, and to avoid endangering them.
  2. In case of an emergency (e.g., natural disaster, fire, bomb threat, etc.), all participants shall strictly follow the instructions of the Contractor's employees.

 8.11. Responsible dog ownership

The Contractor places great emphasis on ensuring that not only humans but also other participants have a pleasant experience. Therefore, guests arriving with dogs are requested to follow a few simple rules found on the website, which have been developed in collaboration with our partner, the Vigyél Haza Foundation, to ensure an uninterrupted and pleasant experience for all.

 8.12. Smoking

  1. Pursuant to Act XLII of 1999 on the Protection of Non-smokers effective as of 1 January 2012, smoking and the use of electronic cigarettes are prohibited in all enclosed spaces.
  2. Smoking is only permitted in designated areas.
  3. In case of violation of the smoking regulations, in addition to any possible authority-imposed fines, the Contractor is entitled to charge a smoke-removal fee of HUF 50,000 (that is fifty thousand Hungarian forints) per smoke-filled room.
  4. We ask our guests to use the provided ashtrays to maintain order and cleanliness. Non-compliance may result in the staff calling on participants to adhere to appropriate conduct.

 8.13. The vinicultural activities of Etyeki Kúria Kft. as the property owner

  1. The Client acknowledges that the core activity of Etyeki Kúria – which provides the event venue – is wine-making, with a winery operated on site, and that any events are, therefore, subordinated thereto.
  2. The estate is classified as a high risk industrial area, where vineyards are part of the production.
  3. The production area of the winery, the cellar area in particular, is not part of the Event Venue and is off-limits.
  4. It is prohibited to disturb or obstruct winery activities and operations within and around the winery.
  5. Any activity that endangers the integrity of the vineyards is prohibited.

 8.14. Natural setting

The Client explicitly acknowledges that the location is classified as a vineyard, where living creatures and animals may be everyday visitors, over which the Contractor has no control.


9.1. Force majeure:
The Parties recognise as force majeure any extraordinary circumstance, act, or event (hereinafter collectively referred to as: event) that occurs within the sphere of interest of one or both Parties but is not attributable to them, which justifiably prevents or significantly hinders the fulfilment of obligations arising from the Event Management (EM) Contract, was not foreseeable at the time of the Contract's conclusion, and it is not expected that the Party could have avoided the circumstance or mitigated the damage. Such events include in particular: gas, water, electricity outages, fire, explosion, lightning strike, epidemic, drought, severe storm, windstorm, snowstorm, snowfall, heavy rain, freezing rain or hailstorm, flood, earthquake, landslide, strike, authority measures citing external circumstances, legislation.
The Parties also recognise weather conditions that endanger the holding of outdoor events (in particular: any prolonged and/or heavy precipitation of any kind and the resulting flooding, high winds, or forecasted events as posted on the website of the National Meteorological Service at, interruption of electricity and/or water utilities, etc.) as force majeure. In such cases, the Contractor is entitled to limit, suspend, interrupt, or cancel the event in time and space or the range of services citing force majeure.

The Parties acknowledge that in the event of force majeure, the legal consequences of breach of contract do not apply.

The Parties do not consider the deterioration of the relationship between the Clients (parties to be married), reference to acts of war not affecting the territory of Hungary, or reference to COVID-19 illness as force majeure. The death of a close relative of the parties to be married does not qualify as force majeure; however, in such a case, the Client is entitled to reschedule within one year with the original deposit. The Parties do not consider a significant reduction in the number of invited guests as force majeure either.

The Parties shall notify the other party in writing without delay of the occurrence or threat of any force majeure event or circumstance.

9.2. Trade secrets
The Client shall keep all data, facts, and information related to the Contractor and its business partners confidential in connection with the EM Contract during and after the term of the contractual relationship. Disclosure to third parties – except as required by law – may only be made with the prior written consent of the Client. In case of a breach of this obligation, the rules of liability for damages apply.

9.3. Applicable law and jurisdiction
Matters not regulated in the EM Contract and these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) are governed by the currently effective applicable Hungarian laws.
The Parties attempt to settle their disputes arising from the EM Contract amicably. If this is unsuccessful, the Parties stipulate the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tribunal of Székesfehérvár or the Székesfehérvár Regional Court, depending on the value of the dispute and the type of case.

9.4. Cooperation and notification obligation

The Parties undertake to make any further legal declarations in writing at the latest within the next working day following the signing of the EM Contract upon request by either Party.
If either Party violates its cooperation and notification obligation, it shall compensate the other Party for any damages arising therefrom, in line with the general rules of liability for damages resulting from a breach of contract.
The Parties shall notify each other immediately in writing of any changes in their data. If this is not complied with, the sending of a legal declaration to the known address shall be considered lawful notification by the Parties.

9.5. Notifications, notices and communication of legal declarations
The Contracting Parties agree that a registered letter sent with acknowledgement of receipt is deemed to have been received by the addressee on the 5th day following dispatch, even if delivery of the letter fails for any reason (e.g. if returned marked as "addressee unknown”, "moved to an unknown address", "address insufficient", “receipt refused", or "not claimed" etc.).
The Parties consider simple electronic mail (email) notifications to and from the email address specified in this Contract to be in writing. The Parties presume that only the person who specified the email address in this Contract or during the course of the contractual relationship has access to the email address and related data. Email messages are considered communicated at the time of the delivery confirmation of the mailing system or, in the absence thereof, on the day of sending, unless the mailing system notifies the sender of the impossibility of delivery.

9.6. Scope of the Provisions of the GTC
If any provision of the EM Contract contradicts any provision of the GTC, the provisions of the EM Contract shall prevail.
The GTC includes the House Rules, which the Client shall comply with and ensure compliance by its guests.
If the Client also has a GTC, its provisions apply to the Contractor only if they are not contrary to the Contractor's GTC or the provisions of the EM Contract.
The Organiser is entitled to unilaterally amend the present GTC. The amended provisions enter into force immediately upon the publication of the amended GTC on the website.  The amended GTC provisions do not affect the service fees or the conditions for terminating the legal relationship under the concluded EM Contracts.

The provisions of this GTC are available in printed form at the Contractor's event venues and registered office, as well as electronically at

Etyek, 28/06/2024